Time for Change

The VOICE OF WOMEN is a new collaborative movement uniting people of all genders, diverse ages, backgrounds, ethnicities, beliefs and experiences in the shared determination to see women enjoy the same rights and opportunities as men so that all can flourish.

VOW movement aims to push for equal representation for women in politics, business, industry, and throughout working life. We expect equal pay for equal work and look for ways to tackle the existing imbalances that leave many women, such as those who are unpaid caregivers or in low paid jobs, especially vulnerable. We are pressing for equal parenting and care-giving enabling everyone to share opportunity and responsibility in the workplace and at home.

We urge an education system that creates opportunities for all children and an understanding of why equality matters. We aim to address the ways in which the portrayal of women in the media impedes progress towards equality. We seek an end to violence against women and recognize physical and sexual violence as a public health problem.

We are proud to focus on equality for women and also understand that there are many forms of inequality. In particular VOW movement aims to support, inspire, & empower women who have been affected / abandoned / ostracized by their husbands / men / family. We strive to ensure that our movement and policies are informed by the views and experiences of those who are discriminated based on their gender and by other factors such as ethnicity, age or disability.

VOW movement is a focused mainstream movement and will not stop until all other mainstream entities embrace and adopt our agenda of equality – and take action to achieve it.